4 Life • 4 Liberty • 4 Happiness

Donate to Alex's campaign to represent Texas' Fourth District
Texas. Our Texas.

Renewable Energy
I want to bring high paying manufacturing jobs to Texas by developing and expanding the renewable energy industry in our region. Climate change is an apolitical issue that must be addressed now for future generations. We should be leading the nation in renewable energy production.
Tax What We Spend
I am a fiscal conservative. And while everybody loves a tax cut, the government needs money to spend on things Texas needs to grow and thrive. Target tax cuts to those in need and raise revenue from those that benefit most from our probusiness climate.
Small Business Support
Small businesses are the backbone of our economy, and we must create an environment where they can thrive. I propose reducing unnecessary regulations and fees while providing grants and low-interest loans to support small business owners. By fostering local entrepreneurship, we can stimulate job growth and ensure our communities prosper.

Quality education is fundamental to a free society. Taking taxpayer money out of our already underfunded public school system and siphoning into private, parochial schools is wrong. Vouchers have nothing to do with parental choice and everything to do with ripping off taxpayers by pouring millions of dollars into the pockets of special interest groups.
Standardized Testing
We are over testing our kids with MAP testing, and MYP testing, and practice STAAR testing, and benchmark testing. It creates testing fatigue in our students so that when they are taking a test that really counts, they are so burnt out they do not perform at the level that is expected. More time teaching and less time prepping for testing is they way to a better education. Besides, high stakes testing system is all about money and not about learning.
Teacher Pay
The Learning Policy Institute and University of Utah carried out a study that clearly shows that children perform better at school when teachers are paid more.
And yet, Texas teachers rank in the bottom half nationwide when it comes to pay. That is unacceptable. It’s bad for Texas teachers. It’s bad for Texas kids. It’s bad for Texas’ future.

Medicare & Medicaid
We need to expand Medicare & Medicaid coverage so no Texan is forced to choose between healthcare and other necessities. I believe every Texan deserves affordable healthcare. Restore the relationship with Cook Children’s so those most in need get the care they need.
Reproductive Health
No good comes from the state interfering in medical decisions — and that includes reproductive medical decisions. We must restore all patients’ rights to make their own healthcare decisions by themselves, with their family, and according to their medical care provider. Keep politics out of the doctor’s office.
Mental Health
Mental health is just as important as physical health, yet it often doesn’t receive the attention it deserves. We need to increase funding to mental health services and ensure accessible care for all Texans. By prioritizing mental health, we can improve the overall well-being of our communities and support those struggling in silence.

Book Bans
It’s detrimental to our students, to our citizens, and to our country. Freedom of thought is the most fundamental right there is. The solution to so-called objectionable ideas is logical and reasonable open discussion. The more we know, the less we fear. Instead of burning books we should be reading them.
Diversity and Inclusion
Our strength lies in our diversity. I believe in promoting policies that ensure everyone, regardless of race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation, has equal opportunities. By embracing diversity, we can create a more inclusive and vibrant Texas that respects and values all its citizens. The war on DEI is little more than a cynical attempt to take us back to a less enlightened era.
Art & Education
Supporting the arts and education is crucial for fostering creativity and critical thinking. I advocate for increased funding for arts programs in our schools and communities, ensuring that every Texan has the opportunity to explore their creative potential and contribute to our rich cultural heritage.

Border Control
The issue at our southern border is not an invasion. That term is being exploited to stoke fear and justify an unconstitutional power grab by the executive branch. The border crisis must be dealt with, but Operation Lone Star has not solved the problem. Instead, it has had tragic consequences on the men and women serving in the Texas National Guard due to gross negligence and mismanagement by the executive branch. It’s time to stop Abbott’s vanity project and work with federal authorities to solve the humanitarian crisis at the border.
Bussing Migrants
I believe we should stop wasting taxpayer money on political stunts like busing migrants all over the country and spend it on the humane treatment of the unfortunate souls seeking refuge and a better life.
National Reform
As a Texas representative, I’ll put pressure on our Representatives and Senators in Washington to truly work on comprehensive immigration reform now and stop worrying about the optics of who might get credit.

Rural Infrastructure
Our rural communities deserve the same quality of infrastructure as our urban areas. I am committed to improving roads, bridges, and broadband access in rural Texas, ensuring that all residents have the resources they need to thrive and stay connected in the modern world.
Infrastructure Resilience
We need to build resilient infrastructure that can withstand extreme weather events and natural disasters. By investing in resilient construction practices and updating our existing infrastructure, we can protect our communities and ensure the safety and well-being of all Texans.
Supporting our farmers and ranchers is crucial for Texas’ economy and food security. I propose investing in agricultural infrastructure, such as irrigation systems and storage facilities, to help our agricultural communities thrive and remain competitive. We should also work on promoting regenerative agriculture in our district and across the state. It is more profitable and better for the climate.
Policies, not spectacle